Block C:
Tonight I would like you to read page 33-end of Chapter 2. In this part of the chapter, Nick is invited to Myrtle's apartment for a party. He gets pretty drunk, so pay attention to his descriptions.
In this chapter, you should be on the look out for the following:
1. Myrtle changes her clothes. Pay attention to how Nick describes this detail.
2. Nick meets a few people at the party--the McKee's, Catherine (Myrtle's sister). They gossip and drink and things get a little out of control.
3. Myrtle has some unkind things to say about her husband George. What does she say?
4. As the night goes on, and the alcohol takes its effect, Myrtle and Tom get into a fight. Pay attention to what starts the fight, and how it ends.
5. Finally, take note of where Nick ends up at the end of the chapter. Why? How?
- Don't forget that you need to come to class with THREE questions that you have about the reading.
Finally, you need to finish the work on your revision project. We did not talk about how to write your Work Cited page, so upload your essay without it and we will talk about the Works Cited tomorrow.
Block E:
1. Read and annotate "The Puppies" for tomorrow.
Block F:
Read and annotate through Chapter 20 for Wednesday. Victor has been asked to make a lady friend for the Creature. Take note of the persuasive argument the Creature makes to Victor, as well as the conditions Victor establishes.
Study for your vocabulary quiz on Wednesday
Block G:
Read and annotate through Chapter 20 for Wednesday.
Study for your vocabulary quiz on Wednesday.